Check this box if you only want the data to come from a certain year. You must then type in the year in the box provided to the right.
Use this button to easily select varies budget groups.
Type in the month to limit data to (use numbers 1-12)
This will limit the data to the fourth quarter (October-December)
This will limit the data to the third quarter (July-September)
This will limit the data to the second quarter (April-June)
This will limit the data to the first quarter (January-March)
To limit the report data to a given month, click this button and type in the appropriate month.
If this button is selected, the data for the report will not be limited by date.
If these buttons are not highlighted, it means that the period is either irrelevant, or it is set elsewhere.
If this button is selected when the PRINT button is clicked, the resulting report will be sent to a tabular TEXT file, which may be read by other programs like Microsoft Excel‚Ñ¢.
If this button is selected when the PRINT button is clicked, the resulting report will be sent to a window on your computer. This is useful for previewing the report before committing it to paper.
If this button is selected when the PRINT button is clicked, the resulting report will be sent to the printer selected in the Chooser DA.
This report will let you print out a listing of your address book, recurring transactions and budget categories.
Check this button to produce a search report on the current account. Although not as powerful as the Find command in the Edit Menu, it is probably easier to use.
After selecting this option, you will be shown a dialog to enter further information. This report will give you a prediction of your cash status for a certain point in the future.
This report will summarize the difference between your income and expenses for the selected period.
Check this button to print your check register. You will see another dialog which allows you to limit the report to certain entries.
Check this button to select a summary of tax-related budget category amounts.
This button will allow you to select one of three different budget category reports.
This scrolling list contains budget categories for use with the budget reports. You can use the Selection button to automatically select certain variables.
Click Cancel to leave the Reports dialog
Click this button to see the report after you have selected the proper report. The options selected in the Reports dialog are saved when you click Print.